Update Patch Available for Pro and College Football 2020

Football Version 2020

Version 2020i update Patch is now available. All users should download and install Version 2020i immediately.

Click here to download the I patch for Football Version 2020


1) The feature that launched the League Manager from the Football Game has been removed. Under certain circumstances use of this feature was corrupting league files.

2) Fixed a bug where the animation would sometimes occur twice when a reading of “touchback” was rolled on the kickoff card.

3) The Safety Free-Kick Punt adjustment (previously a standard +15-yards) has been capped to avoid these punts reaching the end-zone, which is unrealistically long for most punters. The distance that these punts travel is completely through the air (they are always fielded because they are live balls if the receiver lets them bounce). The longest punt we allow in such circumstances is now 79 yards. In addition, a message now appears indicating the adjustment if you are using the “Show board game details” option.

4) A warning message has been added in case Netplay games get out of sync. If you see a message indicating an error 728 or 729 occurred you will be instructed to exit the game completely. The host can then restore the Netplay game and you should be able to reconnect and proceed without further trouble.


Hale Hentges, TE, Washington, Flat Pass Wrong #11 s/b +2
Carl Granderson, DE, New Orleans, Pass Rush s/b 1
Denver Advanced Long Pass 0 Man column, #7 s/b INT +32 2-4,12 X 5-11
Seattle Advanced Short Pass 4 Men column, #5 s/b blank, #6 s/b +11
Minnesota Advanced Linebuck 0LB # 6 s/b F +4 2-6 +4 7-12
Minnesota Advanced Linebuck 1LB # 6 s/b F +2 2-7,11,12 +2 8-10
Minnesota Advanced Off Tackle 0LB # 6 s/b F +2 2-6,12 +2 7-11
Minnesota Advanced Off Tackle 1LB # 6 s/b F -2 2-8 -2 9-12

Cleveland – Caleb, RB FPR #4 changed to -1
New York NFL – Kimber SPW #5 changed to +16
New York NFL – Morrison Long Rush sb 19
LBR #2 changed to +1
LBR #8 changed to 0
LBR #12 changed to +2
OTR #2 changed to 0
OTW #12 changed to +15
ERW #2 changed to +19
ERW #12 changed to +11

  • College Football Version 2020

    Version 2020i update Patch is now available. All users should download and install Version 2020i immediately. The I patch replaces the previously released F patch.

    Click here to download the I patch for College Football Version 2020


    1) The feature that launched the League Manager from the Football Game has been removed. Under certain circumstances use of this feature was corrupting league files.

    2) The Safety Free-Kick Punt adjustment (previously a standard +15-yards) has been capped to avoid these punts reaching the end-zone, which is unrealistically long for most punters. The distance that these punts travel is completely through the air (they are always fielded because they are live balls if the receiver lets them bounce). The longest punt we allow in such circumstances is now 79 yards. In addition, a message now appears indicating the adjustment if you are using the “Show board game details” option.

    3) A warning message has been added in case Netplay games get out of sync. If you see a message indicating an error 728 or 729 occurred you will be instructed to exit the game completely. The host can then restore the Netplay game and you should be able to reconnect and proceed without further trouble.


    1) Fixed Netplay kickoff hang.  The game was hanging on kickoff if an option for a fair catch was generated.

    2) Fixed animation error when the user was prompted for fair catch decision during kickoffs.  The game now interrupts the play and asks the question instead of asking for a decision before the animation starts.

    3) Disabled the kickoff fair catch rule for All Time Great teams (it was being used for those teams, however the cards were not computed for use with that rule).

    4) Fixed a bug where the animation would sometimes occur twice when a reading of “touchback” was rolled on the kickoff card.

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