Here’s an update of our projected release dates for our new Fall products. Please call ahead at 1-800-645-3455 if you plan on picking the cards up to ensure everything is in stock. Please note that due to our printer’s production schedule, the Baseball Enemies card set will be released before the the 1970’s Diamond Gems cards. We apologize for any inconvenience in the change in release schedule.

  • Baseball Enemies Card Set
    • Thursday, 10/10 for orders
    • Tuesday, 10/15 to begin shipping
  • Basketball Cards & Computer Products
    • Projected Tuesday, 10/22 for both shipping cards and computer release
  • Baseball 1970’s Diamond Gems
    • Projected Monday, 11/4 for both orders and shipping cards


  1. Looking foreword to the 70’s Diamond Gems. I love the 80’s + 90’s Sets. Great product at a great price. Thank You.

  2. Pete Kajko says:

    Will Strat-O-Matic ever produce either or both of the following sets?
    1. The 1962 Baseball season; and, or
    2. A special set containing all of the American and National League expansion teams.

  3. Stephen McCarty says:

    I am hoping for the 1952 season-the only Mickey Mantle season not made.Also,super advanced for 1956 and 1962 would be great also.

  4. Artie Rounds says:

    How about making every season available in baseball all the time. The marketing strategy is stuck in the 1960s. People would buy all the seasons and the company would make tons of money. It makes no sense that 1927 and 1950 are no longer available.

  5. Brefni O'Rourke says:

    Is there any chance that Strat-o-Matic does a similair thing with Football and Basketball that it does with Hockey and produce a download disk so that cards can be printed. I would think a 1969-70 NBA season would be a big seller. Not to mention the entire 1968 NFL season.

  6. BYRONFULK says:

    I also would love to see the super-advanced 1962 set. with 1952 as the next set, so that we can play 1948 to the present.

  7. FrankieBaseball says:

    I gather that the Diamond Gems Sets are not available with Discount as mentioned by Monday Oxt. 28, 2019, thanks for your response.

  8. Stephen McCarty says:

    How about World Series sets?Babe Ruth calling his shot in 1932.Grover Cleveland Alexander striking out Tony Lazzeri in game 7 of the 1926 World Series with the bases loaded and Babe Ruth thrown out attempting to steal second base to end the series.Bill Bevens losing a no hitter and the game with 2 outs in the bottom of the ninth in 1947..Fred Snodgrass dropping a fly ball in game 7 in 1912.,etc.

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