Football Corrections and Data Patch

Football Corrections and Data Patch for 2012, 1971 and 1983 USFL
The following offiical corrections have been issued for the 3 new season roster releases for 2013. There are corrections listed below for 2012, 1971 and 1983 USFL. A data patch has also been released for Football Version 2013 and can be downloaded from our Patches page.
Shea McClellin, Chicago, defensive rating s/b 0
Nate Collins, Chicago, s/b defensive tackle
Orlando Scandrick, Dallas, s/b cornerback 4
Aaron Rodgers, Green Bay, end run keyed column #5 s/b f/-7
Colin Kaepernick, San Francisco, end run keyed column #5 s/b f/-4
Alex Smith, San Francisco, end run keyed column #5 s/b f/-6
Sam Bradford, St. Louis, end run keyed column #5 s/b f/-9
Josh Freeman, Tampa Bay, end run keyed column #5 s/b f/-7
Robert Griffin III, Washington, end run keyed column #5 s/b f/-9
Ryan Fitzpatrick, Buffalo, must run column #9 s/b f/+1, must run column #12 s/b -4
Ryan Fitzpatrick, Buffalo, linebuck right column #9 s/b F0,2-7,linebuck wrong column #9 s/b F+1,2-6
Tyler Thigpen, Buffalo, linebuck right column #9 s/b F0,2-7,linebuck wrong column #9 s/b F+1,2-6
Peyton Manning, Denver, linebuck wrong column #2 s/b +10
Brock Osweiler, Denver, linebuck right column #9 s/b F0, 2-5
Donald Brown, Indianapolis, off tackle right column #6 s/b 0,#7 s/b +2, #10 s/b +1
New Orleans Advanced Long Pass 1 Man column, #12 s/b +31
Cleveland Advanced Long Pass 0 Man column, #3 s/b LG 2-5,12 x, 6-11
Added Herman Weaver, P, Detroit (Note: The punter rating for Charlie Weaver continues to exist to support in-progress seasons for the computer version)
Greg Landry, QB Detroit, corrected flat pass, double teamed
Ike Hill, WR, Buffalo, longest gain s/b 26* (corrected card and stat line)
Added missing dots to receivers, running backs, and QBs 
Changed Greg Ellis (LA) to Ricky Ellis