Player pictures can easily be assigned for each player. These pictures can appear during the game (see Game Screen Layout Options), and will also appear in the player’s notebook.
To assign a player picture you simply need to place his picture in the appropriate folder:
For batters – put the pictures in Player\Batters folder (located inside the game folder). For pitchers – put the pictures in the Player\Pitchers folder.
The file name should have an underscore between the first and last name. For example, a picture for Alex Rodriguez could have the name: "Alex_Rodriguez.jpg"
The player image must be 90 wide by 135 high. The file format and extension name should be .jpg or .bmp. We recommend jpg format because this will save space on your hard drive, especially if you are using a large number of player pictures.
In some cases you might have two batters or two pitchers with the same first and last name. In that case you can use the "alias.txt" file to allow for separate pictures for each player. An example is shown in the "alias.txt" file that is shipped with the game. Sandy Alomar Jr. was called "Sandy Alomar" from 1990 to 1999 on the Strat-O-Matic disks. Of course this might confuse him with his father who went by the same name on Strat-O-Matic disks. The example "alias.txt" file shows how to make the program look for "Sandy Alomar Jr." as the picture file name instead of looking for "Sandy Alomar". That way you can have separate pictures – "Sandy Alomar" for the father’s picture and "Sandy Alomar Jr." for the son’s picture.
The program will strip all periods out of the names before creating the file name to be searched for. As an example, "Sandy Alomar Jr." has the period stripped out to make "Sandy Alomar Jr". Then all spaces are converted to underscores to make "Sandy_Alomar_Jr". Then the file extension (".bmp" or ".jpg") is appended to determine the final name to be searched. In this case it would be "Sandy_Alomar_Jr.bmp" or "Sandy_Alomar_Jr.jpg". As another example, a jpeg picture for U.L. Washington must be named "UL_Washington.jpg" in order for the program to find it.
Note: Due to licensing restrictions pictures are not included.